Stuffed Squash / Simple cooking with Julia Ride

For making stuffed squash we need:
Grey squash - 0,25 kilogram
Ground meat - 0,25 kilogram
Onion - 2 little ones
Carrot - 1 medium
Bell Pepper - a few slices
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Cheese - 20-30 gm
Sour cream - 40 gm
Salt. Pepper. Oil

Squash Cream Soup/ Simple cooking with Julia Ride

Cream- soups became very popular after the experiment that BBC channel presented in a show «Why do we gain weight» (*translated name).

The experiment showed that eating creamy foods helps our body to lose weight faster and easier.

Breakfast Roll

When it comes to making a quick and nutritious breakfast, eggs are the obvious choice. They’re easy to make, cheap and will keep you full until it’s time for lunch. What more could you want from your breakfast?

But just because eggs are easy doesn’t mean that you should be making the same recipe everyday. Especially when there are so many options. Breakfast Roll is a great option to present your breakfast in another look.

Breakfast Pie

Breakfast Pie - is a great option to make your breakfast menu a little bit different. Tasty, not too sweet but healthy pie, the main ingredient of which is farmer cheese (cottage cheese) that has lot’s of health benefits, will help you to forget about feeling of hunger and make the start of your day very «tasty».

Homemade Marshmallows

       Marshmallows are so much loved by children and adults all over the world. 
And so I decided, why not to make it at home? After all it’s interesting to see the process of production, right?

There are tones of different recipes over the internet. I have found a simple one that I want to share with you. I loved it and for sure I’ll use it more.

I want to ask all parents, grandparents, older sisters and brothers, please watch and control how much of these treats your younger family members (and you also) eat! Doesn’t matter if you make them at home or buy, they contain a lot of sugar! 

Little bite once in a while will not kill, but constantly intaking may cause lot’s of health problems. Stay healthy. <3

My home made marshmallows

My first marshmallows. So sweet and tasty, mmm
Tuesday, next week I till upload marshmallow step by step video guide recipe. 
Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube Channel

5 minute tasty breakfast recipe.

Breakfast is a very important meal to have. But pretty often we are in a rush and don't have much time for cooking and control our breakfast do it doesn't get burnt.

This 5 MINUTE BREAKFAST recipe is a great option for those:

- Who always feel the lack of time in the morning, 
- Who is looking for the interesting ideas of presentations regular dishes,
- Who is just lazy or doesn’t like to cook but still want to eat healthy.

Different types of flour and what to used them for?

Flour that is used in baking comes mainly from wheat, although it can be milled from corn, rice, nuts, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables. The type of flour of flour used is vital at getting the product right. Different types of flour are suited to different items and all flours are different you cannot switch from one type to another without consequences that could ruin the recipe. To achieve success in baking, it is important to know what the right flour is for the job!

All-Purpose Flour is a blend of hard and soft wheat; it may be bleached or unbleached. It is usually translated as "plain flour." All-Purpose Flour has 8% to 11% protein (gluten). All-purpose flour is one of the most commonly used and readily accessible flour in the United States. Flour that is bleached naturally as it ages is labeled "unbleached," while chemically treated flour is labeled "bleached." Bleached flour has less protein than unbleached. Bleached is best for pie crusts, cookies, quick breads, pancakes and waffles. Use unbleached flour for yeast breads, Danish pastry, puff pastry, strudel, Yorkshire pudding, éclairs, cream puffs and popovers.
Almond Flour (Gluten Free) - Just a touch of this flour (about 1/4 of the flour mixture) is all you need to add moistness, a little binding, light almond flavor, and density to baked goods. It is especially good in pastry crusts, cookies, and quick breads.
Amaranth Flour (Gluten Free) - Amaranth is an ancient grain and the word amaranth means "everlasting" in Greek. Amaranth contains more protein than any other gluten-free grain and more protein than wheat flour. You can substitute up to 20 to 25% of the flour used in your recipe with this flour.
Barley Flour (Low Gluten) - A non-wheat flour made from grinding whole barley. It is a popular alternative to wheat flour because, unlike many non-wheat flours, it contains some gluten. This flour has a mild, but very slightly nutty taste. This flour also has slightly fewer calories and more than 4 times the fiber of all-purpose. By using barley flour instead of all-purpose flour, you triple your fiber intake. When making yeast bread recipes, there is not enough gluten in barley flour to properly develop the bread, and it is recommended swapping only one quarter of all-purpose flour for barley flour in yeast bread recipes. Great in quick breads and pancakes.
Bread Flour is white flour made from hard, high-protein wheat. It has more gluten strength and protein content than all-purpose flour. It is unbleached and sometimes conditioned with ascorbic acid, which increases volume and creates better texture. Bread flour has 12% to 14% protein (gluten). This is the best choice for yeast products.

Health benefits of KIWI.

Health benefits of kiwi include improved digestive and cardiovascular health. The affluence of antioxidants in the kiwifruit proves valuable in various medical conditions such as cancer, insomnia, macular degeneration and diabetes. Flavonoids-rich kiwi is beneficial during pregnancy, contributes in keeping the skin healthy and promotes the absorption of iron in the body. Anti-microbial properties of kiwi guards against a range of pathogens and strengthens the immune defense of the body.

Nutritional Value of Kiwi

The small kiwifruit stores a treasure of nutritional surprises. Kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Others vitamins including vitamin A, folate, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone) are also present in good amounts. The mineral wealth of kiwi fruit includes tremendous quantity of potassium along with other minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. All these vital nutrients in kiwifruit come with an additional bonus of dietary fiber.

Health benefits of kiwi

The growing global popularity of the kiwifruit attributes to an amazing blend of its unique appearance, flavor and nutritional assets. Benefits of kiwifruit for medical conditions have been discussed as under:

Antioxidant properties: Kiwi offers an impressive amount of vitamin C along with other phenolic components and carotenoids which promotes good health. A comparative study involving kiwi, oranges and grapefruit has revealed that kiwi fruit contains stronger antioxidant qualities as compared to the latter. Attributing to the presence of nourishing phytochemicals, kiwi has the ability to protect the DNA present in the body cells from the oxidative damage caused due to free radicals thereby, reducing the risk of development of associated inflammations and diseases.

Cardiovascular health:  As mentioned, kiwifruit is rich in protective polyphenols along with vitamin C,   vitamin E and potassium which are effective in the maintenance of cardiovascular health. An investigative study has revealed that kiwifruit exerts inhibitory activities which aids in the reduction of triglycerides in the blood. According to the study, consumption of couple of kiwis on a daily basis helps in reducing the platelet aggression response or the risk of blood clotting. This fibronolytic effect of kiwifruit on the blood vessels prevents the risk of thromboembolic and cardiac disorders like atherosclerosis.

Better sleep: Kiwifruit is a source of serotonin which helps to promote better sleep. An investigative study conducted in this regard has shown that consumption of kiwi helps in improving the sleep efficiency and total sleep time. Kiwi may also help in improving the sleep onset and reducing the waking time after the onset and hence provides relief from the sleep disturbances. Kiwi contains good amounts of flavonoids such as naringenin, quercitin, rutin, catechin, epicatechin which modulates the sleep inducing receptors and is considered an effectual plant-based sedative agent. Attributing to this, the peel of kiwi is a potent ingredient for the development of natural sleeping aids.

Improves iron absorption: An amazing benefit of kiwifruit is its ability to facilitate the absorption of iron in the body. Richness of vitamin C and other phytochemicals such as lutein and zeaxanthin in kiwi helps in improving iron status in the body and prevents iron deficiency disorders. A comparative study performed between kiwi and banana has revealed that consumption of kiwi along with iron-rich breakfast cereal results in significant progress in the status of iron in the body as compared to banana.        
Macular degeneration:  Kiwi is the fruit for the eye and it contributes beneficially towards the eye health. As already stated, kiwi is a source of phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin which are critical components residing in the human eye. These healthful components along with vitamin A protect the eyes from cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and other vision-destroying disorders.

Digestive health: Kiwi may prove valuable for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It is a delicious source of fiber which promotes digestion and intestinal health. Kiwi helps in providing relief from constipation by stimulating the bowel system. The natural laxative properties of kiwi fruit owing to its fiber content add bulk to the stool and make them soft.  A study conducted on Kiwi has revealed that kiwifruit stores a good amount of proteolytic enzyme actinid in which improves the digestion of proteins and facilitates smooth traffic through the digestive system. Polysaccharides present in kiwi helps in averting the adhesion of enteropathogens and stimulate the probiotic bacteria in the colon. Kiwi extracts promotes the growth of lactic acid and inhibits the development of Escherichia Coli bacteria and aids in sustaining digestive health.

Pregnancy: Kiwi is a perfect fruit for a pregnant woman attributing to the abundance of natural folate.  Folate helps to prevent the occurrence of neural tube defects in the unborn babies and is essential for their brain and cognitive growth. Other vital nutrients such as vitamin C, E and K along with flavonoids present in kiwi also contribute beneficially in the overall health and development of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Skin care: Kiwifruit helps to maintain healthy and smooth skin attributing to its significant contribution in the process of collagen synthesis. Kiwi contains generous amount of vitamin C, may be more than oranges which helps to keep the skin firm and expedite healing of cuts and abrasions. Vitamin E present in kiwi assists in reducing the fine lines and appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin E also helps in reducing the harmful effects of ultra-violet radiation on the skin. Antioxidants present in kiwi work as a perfect anti-aging agent, prevent the skin from early degeneration and keep it rejuvenated.  

Cancer: Kiwi fruit have been traditionally trusted in the Chinese folk medicine for their effectiveness in healing various types of cancers such as liver cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer and lung cancer. Extracts of the kiwi fruit inhibits the proliferation of cancerous cells and protects endogenous DNA damage. Kiwifruit works against cancer by being cytotoxic to malignant cancer cells without affecting the normal, healthy cells. The plethora of antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamins along with fiber contribute beneficially in the effectiveness of kiwi in the prevention or healing of cancers. Catechin, a phytochemical present in kiwi helps in reducing the toxicity of anti-cancer agents by stimulating the bone marrow proliferation.

Strong immune defense: Kiwi contributes favorably in the regulation of the innate and adaptive immune system which is very critical for the healthy functioning of the body. Consumption of kiwifruit helps in fighting seasonal infections and other ailments attributing its anti-microbial and anti-fungal action. Extracts from kiwi have shown to exert bacteriostatic action against various pathogens including Staphylococcus aureus and Staphyloccous pyogenes. Kiwi fruit helps in reducing the symptoms of cold and flu and other upper respiratory tract infections. It also exerts anti-inflammatory effects and exhibits the activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Diabetes: Kiwi has low glycemic index which makes it suitable for the individuals with diabetes. A study conducted on kiwi extracts demonstrated that consumption of kiwi helps in the regulation of adipogenesis which is critical for the prevention of diabetes. Dysfunction of adipose tissues in the body is strongly implicated in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes.

Culinary usage: Owing to its characteristic looks and refreshing taste, kiwifruit can bring an amazing tropical style to your fruit salad dish. Nutrient-dense kiwi can be used as a functional ingredient to prepare bakery products with enhanced health factor. Kiwi contains a tenderizing enzyme papain which is useful in breaking down the fibrous tissues of tough meats. However, for this reason kiwi does not gel well with the gelatin-based products. Papain enzyme is known to have curdling effect on the milk. In case, you intend to use kiwi in the dairy or gelatin based products, cook the kiwifruit for a while to neutralize the enzyme.

Baked vegetables as a main course

You may cook it as a vegan dish by taking all meat out of the recipe. Make a different variation of it by adding mushrooms or fish.

Filling, tasty and the most important it's totally healthy.

Spring pancakes

Spring pancakes is a great idea for your family breakfast. 
Tender taste of cheese and berries that fill these pancakes…mmm… you will remember for a long time.

You can find recipe here. :)

Buckwheat with veggies and mushrooms

Buckwheat - is a great alternative to rice. 
In this recipe we will be cooking buckwheat with vegetables and mushrooms. Inexpensive. Fast. Easy.
By the way, buckwheat has a lot of health benefits. It is very healthy.

Sumsooshki recipe / snack

Sumsooshki - is a great snack which is very easy to make.

The most interesting about it is that you can make different fillings. And the same dish will taste and look completely different. 
Click here to get a recipe

Making profiteroles with custard cream at home.

My favorite recipe of classing profiteroles( eclairs) with custard cream - taste of childhood. 
Unreal simple to make. It’s million times better than those we buy at the stores. Surprise your family and friends with such a delicious treat.

Favorite dish of Mila Kunis/ Herring under the fur coat/ Beet salad.

In one of her interviews Mila Kunis said that her the most favorite dish is "Seledka pod shuboy" which means "Herring under the fur coat".

This is very popular salad in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus...
Except the fact that this salad is very tasty it may also have an incredible look. So you can cook it as just for yourself, the same for romantic dinners or any kind of celebrations.

If you take a look at my presentation, you will see that I used a little bit of mayo on top of my salad. Here it goes white, but if it to leave it for a few hours, it will suck the beets juice and color for nice pink. And that looks gorgeous.

Enjoy :) xoxo

Health Benefits of potatoes and my special way of cooking it.

Potatoes have been my favorite "thing" since I remember myself.
Mashed potato, fried potatoes, baked potatoes, potatoes cooked in the fire. I still remember that BOOM for McDonald's french fries. 

Potatoes are one of the most common and important food sources on the planet, and they contain a wealth of health benefits that make them all the more essential as a staple dietary item for much of the world’s population. These health benefits include their ability to improve digestion, reduce cholesterol levels, boost heart health, protect from polyps, prevent cancer, manage diabetes, strengthen the immune system, reduce signs of aging, protect the skin, increase circulation, reduce blood pressure, maintain fluid balance, reduce insomnia, and boost eye health.

Health Benefits of Potatoes

Weight Gain: Potatoes are primarily made of carbohydrates and contain very little protein. This makes it an ideal diet for those excessively lean or thin people who desperately want to put on weight. The vitamin content includes vitamin-C and B-complex, which also help in proper absorption of carbohydrates. That is one of the reasons that potatoes make up a large part of the diet of sumo wrestlers, as well as many other athletes who need large energy reserves to burn off in order to compete!

Digestion: Since potatoes predominantly contain carbohydrates, they are easy to digest and facilitate digestion. This property makes them a good diet for babies or for those who cannot digest hard food, but need energy. However, remember that eating too many potatoes on a regular basis may cause acidity over time. Potatoes also contain a considerable amount of fiber or roughage, more in raw potatoes and cold ones than boiled or hot ones. This stimulates peristaltic motion and increased secretion of gastric juices, which eases digestion and prevents conditions like constipation and protects the body from more serious conditions like colorectal cancer. Fiber is also connected with scraping cholesterol out of the arteries and blood vessels, thereby increasing heart health.

Skin Care: Vitamin-C and B-complex as well as minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc are good for the skin. Apart from that, pulp obtained from crushed raw potatoes, mixed with honey, can work well in skin and face packs. This even helps to cure pimples and spots on the skin. Again, this pulp, if applied externally on burns, provides quick relief and faster healing. Smashed potatoes, and even water in which potatoes have been washed, are very good for softening and cleaning skin, especially around the elbows, and the back of the hands.

Scurvy: The vitamin-C present in potatoes can help prevent this disease, caused by a deficiency of vitamin-C. It is characterized by cracked lip corners, spongy and bleeding gums, and frequent viral infections. Although it has been eliminated from most first and second world countries with ready access to vitamin C, it still exists in certain nations of the world, so the prolific presence of potatoes in the world helps with this problem.

Rheumatism: There are two parts to the effect of potatoes on this condition. Vitamins like the calcium and magnesium in potatoes help to provide relief from rheumatism. Also, water obtained from boiling potatoes can relieve the pain and inflammation of rheumatism. However, due to high starch and carbohydrate content, it tends to increase body weight which may have adverse effects on rheumatic people. It is a fine balance, so you must apply it as a helpful approach without consuming the potato itself.

Inflammation: Potatoes are very effective in reducing inflammation, both internal and external. Since it is soft, easily digested and has a lot of vitamin-C (a very good antioxidant that repairs tissue wear and tear), potassium and vitamin-B6, it can relieve any inflammation of the intestines and the digestive system. It is very good dietary element for those who have mouth ulcers as well. Therefore, people who suffer from arthritis and gout can use potatoes for their anti-inflammatory impact, but again, since it can add to weight gain, which exacerbates these conditions, and is commonly eaten with meat and other rich foods that make gout worse, a fine balance must be struck.
Cancer Prevention: Certain types of potatoes, particularly red and russet potatoes, contain high levels of flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin A like zeaxanthin and carotenes, they can protect you against many types of cancer. Also, research at the Agricultural Research service has shown that potatoes contain a compound called quercetin, which has been proven to have anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. Finally, the high levels of vitamin A and C both have antioxidant qualities that can protect your body from the devastating effects of cancer.

High Blood Pressure: Since high blood pressure can occur for a number of reasons that include diabetes, tension, indigestion, nutrient balance, food content and many others, different treatments are required. Luckily, potatoes can alleviate multiple possible causes; potatoes can be used to relieve high blood pressure due to tension. They can also treat indigestion due to abundance of vitamin-C and fiber within it, but they should be avoided if the high blood pressure is a result of diabetes. The fiber present in it is helpful in lowering cholesterol and improves functioning of insulin in the body, which aids in the lowering of blood pressure. This is because there is a direct relation between blood pressure and the glucose level in the blood; insulin helps to regulates that glucose level. Furthermore, the potassium found in potatoes (46% of daily requirement per serving) lowers blood pressure, since potassium functions as a vasodilator.

Brain Function: Proper functioning of the brain depends largely on the glucose level, oxygen supply, various components of the vitamin-B complex and certain hormones, amino acids and fatty acids like omega-3. Potatoes cater to almost all the needs mentioned above. They are high in carbohydrates, and thereby maintain good levels of glucose in the blood. This prevents the brain from letting fatigue creep in and it keeps your cognitive activity and performance high. Next, the brain needs oxygen, which is carried to the brain by the hemoglobin in the blood; its main constituent is iron. Potatoes contain iron as well. Therefore, potatoes help deliver oxygen to the brain as well. There are a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in potatoes that positively affect the function of the brain, including phosphorus, zinc, and the B complex vitamins. The vasodilating properties of potassium have also been connected to stimulation of brain function due to increased blood flow to that essential organ.

Heart Diseases: Apart from the vitamins (B-complex, C), minerals and roughage, potatoes also contain certain substances called Carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin). Carotenoids are beneficial for heart health and the functioning of other internal organs. Again, since potatoes raises the glucose level in the blood and over-consumption may cause obesity, which puts pressure on your heart, you must be careful about how often you use potatoes for this health benefit. This method of preventing heart disease is not recommended for obese or diabetic people.

Kidney Stones: Kidney Stones, also known as Renal Calculi, are caused mainly due to increased levels of uric acid in the blood. In such cases, foods high in protein should be avoided, particularly animal proteins such as meat, turkey, shrimp, fish, eggs, and milk, as well as spinach, raw plantain, black grams and certain beans, which drastically increase the level of uric acid in the blood. Iron and calcium also contribute to forming the stones. Potatoes are rich in both of these so logically, they wouldn’t fit in as a preventative measure of kidney stones, but they also contain magnesium, which inhibits the accumulation or deposition of calcium (calcification) in the kidney and other tissues, thereby proving beneficial for treatment of renal calculi.

Diarrhea: Potatoes are an excellent component of an energy-rich diet for those suffering from diarrhea, since it is very easy to digest and contains mild roughage. However, eating too many potatoes can cause diarrhea due to the excessive ingestion of starch.

Other Benefits and Cautions: Juice from potatoes is a good treatment for burns, bruises, sprains, skin problems, ulcers, effects of narcotics,  prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and the formation of cysts or tumors. On the other hand, some care also needs to be taken while eating potatoes. Green potatoes are often poisonous, and so are potato leaves and fruits, as they contain alkaloids like solanine, chaconine and arsenic. An overdose of those chemicals could easily prove fatal. Moreover, the glycemic index (in simple words, the energy or sugar content) of potatoes is very high (above 80), so people that are obese, trying to lose weight, or diabetic should avoid eating potatoes. If eaten, potatoes are healthier when baked, rather than raw or fried.

However, don’t worry; those health risks affect a small part of the population of potato eaters in the world.  If you are otherwise fine and healthy, don’t forget that a bit of fat is not bad for you; it’s actually beneficial.  Don’t be afraid to enjoy some potato chips and French-fries while watching TV. You won’t become a couch potato if you eat in moderation!

Health benefits of cottage cheese

The health benefits of cottage cheese include weight loss, a good supply of protein, B complex vitamins and healthy fats, and a reduced risk of breast cancer. Cottage cheese is also a good source of various minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and selenium which all play vital roles in many of the body functions.

Cheese is a milk product that is made in a number of different ways and can be purchased in different forms depending on the milk and fat content. Some of the different types of cheese include hoop cheese, farmer cheese, pot cheese, paneer, queso blanco, and a number of others. Each of these cheeses is prepared with different procedure and sometimes different ingredients are added. Thus, different kinds of cheeses have evolved with different flavors.

The process to prepare cottage cheese and commercial cheese is somewhat similar. The only difference is in the size and proportions of milk which is used to obtain the cheese. Cottage cheese is prepared by boiling and curdling milk with the help of acidic substances such as lime or vinegar. As the milk boils, it starts to curdle, forming lumps of curds. These curds are then pressed to squeeze out the whey or milk serum to form a big lump of curd or cheese.

Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese provides many health benefits, including a high protein content, as well as significant calcium, phosphorus, and potassium contents, and it can be used for weight management.

Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer: The calcium and vitamin D found in dairy products, especially in cottage cheese, reduces the risk of breast cancer. Research conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health by Shin et al. found that in case of premenopausal women, the level of calcium and vitamin D actually helped in reducing the risk of breast cancer. This particular study was conducted over a period of 16 years.

Rich in Protein: One of the biggest benefits of cottage cheese is the high amount of casein protein found in it. It is believed that cow’s milk contains the highest amount of casein protein among various milks. The amount of protein contained in cottage cheese is ideal for vegetarians in supplying them with the required amount of daily protein. Cottage cheese does not require any amount of cooking and it can be consumed directly.

Best Foods for Pregnant Women: Cottage cheese is recommended for pregnant women along with athletes due to various essential nutrients found in it. For example, pregnant women need calcium and cottage cheese is a very good source for it. Cottage cheese also contains phosphorus, which is an important element found in bones that is also recommended during pregnancy.

Rich Source of B-Complex Vitamins: B-complex vitamins found in cottage cheese are helpful in various metabolic activities in our bodies. Some of them include vitamin B12, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, niacin, and folate.

-Vitamin B12 is needed for proper brain functioning and helps in absorbing iron.

-Riboflavin helps in converting carbohydrates into energy.

-Pantothenic Acid acts as a synthesizer that helps in forming proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids in our body.

-Thiamin helps in converting sugars into energy in the pyruvate dehydrogenase system.

-Niacin, on the other hand plays an important role in digestion, energy production, and cholesterol reduction.

-Folate helps in fetal development in pregnant women, helps in producing red blood cells and keeps the heart healthy.

Strengthens Bones: Calcium is one of the major elements associated with milk and their products. Some of the benefits of calcium-rich foods include bone strengthening and weight loss. The amount of calcium in cottage cheese is 8% of the daily recommended value. Calcium, found in milk and milk products such as curd or cottage cheese, helps in building strong bones throughout childhood and adulthood. Eating calcium-rich foods during pregnancy and later years is helpful, especially in osteoporosis and colon cancer. It also helps the nervous system in sending nerve impulse and controls weight gain and heart disease. These are just a few of the benefits of eating calcium-rich foods like cottage cheese.

Heart-Friendly and Maintains Blood Sugar Levels: Cottage cheese is a good source of magnesium. In the human body, most of the magnesium is concentrated in our bones. Magnesium also acts as a catalyst, promotes biochemical reactions, activates various enzymes in the body, maintains muscle and nerve functioning, and supports the immune system. It helps in maintaining blood sugar levels and prevents heart attacks, constipation, psychiatric disorders, migraine, and collagen.

Prevents Strokes and Controls Anxiety: Apart from other nutrients, cottage cheese contains potassium. Potassium acts as a fluid-balancing element in the body and is an important component in neural activities of the muscle and brain. It also relieves muscle cramps. Intake of potassium on a regular basis prevents the risk of getting brain stroke, since it lowers blood pressure and the contraction of vessels. It is also helpful in decreasing stress levels and anxiety. Potassium, along with sodium, act as electrolytes, but potassium does not have the side effects of sodium such as increased blood pressure and cardiovascular stress.

Improves Biological Functions: Zinc found in cottage cheese is about 4% of the daily recommended value.  In the human body, it is found in the brain, muscles, bones, kidneys, liver, prostate, and eyes. It helps in the metabolism of DNA and RNA.  Zinc is one of the trace elements whose presence in our body helps in improving the immune system, digestion, diabetes control, fights stress and anxiety, cures night blindness, improves ocular health, prevents appetite loss, prevents prostate disorder, fights various infections and also acts as an antioxidant.

Improves Digestion: Cottage cheese contains phosphorous, which plays a major role in the formation of DNA and RNA. It is a major component in forming bones along with calcium. Phosphates also help in digestion, excretion, and in the production and extraction of energy in the cells.

Antioxidant Properties: Selenium is a trace element found in cottage cheese. It is required in very small quantities, not more than 50 mcg to 70 mcg in adults. Selenium is useful as an antioxidant that protects cells and DNA from damage. It is also believed that an optimum intake of selenium-rich foods reduces the risk of prostate cancer. New study suggests that a diet rich in dairy products may slightly extend lives of people diagnosed with colon cancer.

A Few Things to Consider:

There are certain risks involved in eating cheese, both of the cottage and grocery varieties. Some of these are particular risks for those people suffering from diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure).

Higher Levels of Sodium: Salt is a major ingredient used at various stages of cheese and yogurt preparation. As per the research conducted by Demott, Hitchcock, and Sanders at the University of Tennessee, an average of 3.7 mg/g to 4.5 mg/g of sodium chloride is found in various dairy preparations, including cheese. The findings are almost double the federal government’s approved salt content level (2.7 mg/g).

Bacterial Contamination: One may experience bacterial contamination by eating cottage cheese or any other dairy product, if the milk has not been pasteurized properly. One of the most common diseases that is associated with unpasteurized milk, improperly cooked meat, poultry, and fish is listeriosis, which is caused by Listeria monocytogenes. This bacteria is particularly known to be risky for pregnant women and their developing fetus.

Cholesterol Levels in Cottage Cheese: The level of cholesterol in cottage cheese depends upon the type of milk used for preparing it. If whole milk is used for cheese preparation, the cholesterol content would be as high (33 mg per 1cup) as compared to low fat milk (10 mg per 1 cup) or no fat milk (4 mg per 1 cup). So, if you are health conscious, use low fat versions of cottage cheese to avoid extra fat intake and excessive cholesterol.

What to cook with cottage cheese? - Check out here.
If you are looking for the ideas how to make your breakfast menu different. 
Here is a great option that you can add to your list cottage cheese pancakes 
Kidz will love it the same much as adults.