Different types of flour and what to used them for?

Flour that is used in baking comes mainly from wheat, although it can be milled from corn, rice, nuts, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables. The type of flour of flour used is vital at getting the product right. Different types of flour are suited to different items and all flours are different you cannot switch from one type to another without consequences that could ruin the recipe. To achieve success in baking, it is important to know what the right flour is for the job!

All-Purpose Flour is a blend of hard and soft wheat; it may be bleached or unbleached. It is usually translated as "plain flour." All-Purpose Flour has 8% to 11% protein (gluten). All-purpose flour is one of the most commonly used and readily accessible flour in the United States. Flour that is bleached naturally as it ages is labeled "unbleached," while chemically treated flour is labeled "bleached." Bleached flour has less protein than unbleached. Bleached is best for pie crusts, cookies, quick breads, pancakes and waffles. Use unbleached flour for yeast breads, Danish pastry, puff pastry, strudel, Yorkshire pudding, éclairs, cream puffs and popovers.
Almond Flour (Gluten Free) - Just a touch of this flour (about 1/4 of the flour mixture) is all you need to add moistness, a little binding, light almond flavor, and density to baked goods. It is especially good in pastry crusts, cookies, and quick breads.
Amaranth Flour (Gluten Free) - Amaranth is an ancient grain and the word amaranth means "everlasting" in Greek. Amaranth contains more protein than any other gluten-free grain and more protein than wheat flour. You can substitute up to 20 to 25% of the flour used in your recipe with this flour.
Barley Flour (Low Gluten) - A non-wheat flour made from grinding whole barley. It is a popular alternative to wheat flour because, unlike many non-wheat flours, it contains some gluten. This flour has a mild, but very slightly nutty taste. This flour also has slightly fewer calories and more than 4 times the fiber of all-purpose. By using barley flour instead of all-purpose flour, you triple your fiber intake. When making yeast bread recipes, there is not enough gluten in barley flour to properly develop the bread, and it is recommended swapping only one quarter of all-purpose flour for barley flour in yeast bread recipes. Great in quick breads and pancakes.
Bread Flour is white flour made from hard, high-protein wheat. It has more gluten strength and protein content than all-purpose flour. It is unbleached and sometimes conditioned with ascorbic acid, which increases volume and creates better texture. Bread flour has 12% to 14% protein (gluten). This is the best choice for yeast products.

Health benefits of KIWI.

Health benefits of kiwi include improved digestive and cardiovascular health. The affluence of antioxidants in the kiwifruit proves valuable in various medical conditions such as cancer, insomnia, macular degeneration and diabetes. Flavonoids-rich kiwi is beneficial during pregnancy, contributes in keeping the skin healthy and promotes the absorption of iron in the body. Anti-microbial properties of kiwi guards against a range of pathogens and strengthens the immune defense of the body.

Nutritional Value of Kiwi

The small kiwifruit stores a treasure of nutritional surprises. Kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Others vitamins including vitamin A, folate, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone) are also present in good amounts. The mineral wealth of kiwi fruit includes tremendous quantity of potassium along with other minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. All these vital nutrients in kiwifruit come with an additional bonus of dietary fiber.

Health benefits of kiwi

The growing global popularity of the kiwifruit attributes to an amazing blend of its unique appearance, flavor and nutritional assets. Benefits of kiwifruit for medical conditions have been discussed as under:

Antioxidant properties: Kiwi offers an impressive amount of vitamin C along with other phenolic components and carotenoids which promotes good health. A comparative study involving kiwi, oranges and grapefruit has revealed that kiwi fruit contains stronger antioxidant qualities as compared to the latter. Attributing to the presence of nourishing phytochemicals, kiwi has the ability to protect the DNA present in the body cells from the oxidative damage caused due to free radicals thereby, reducing the risk of development of associated inflammations and diseases.

Cardiovascular health:  As mentioned, kiwifruit is rich in protective polyphenols along with vitamin C,   vitamin E and potassium which are effective in the maintenance of cardiovascular health. An investigative study has revealed that kiwifruit exerts inhibitory activities which aids in the reduction of triglycerides in the blood. According to the study, consumption of couple of kiwis on a daily basis helps in reducing the platelet aggression response or the risk of blood clotting. This fibronolytic effect of kiwifruit on the blood vessels prevents the risk of thromboembolic and cardiac disorders like atherosclerosis.

Better sleep: Kiwifruit is a source of serotonin which helps to promote better sleep. An investigative study conducted in this regard has shown that consumption of kiwi helps in improving the sleep efficiency and total sleep time. Kiwi may also help in improving the sleep onset and reducing the waking time after the onset and hence provides relief from the sleep disturbances. Kiwi contains good amounts of flavonoids such as naringenin, quercitin, rutin, catechin, epicatechin which modulates the sleep inducing receptors and is considered an effectual plant-based sedative agent. Attributing to this, the peel of kiwi is a potent ingredient for the development of natural sleeping aids.

Improves iron absorption: An amazing benefit of kiwifruit is its ability to facilitate the absorption of iron in the body. Richness of vitamin C and other phytochemicals such as lutein and zeaxanthin in kiwi helps in improving iron status in the body and prevents iron deficiency disorders. A comparative study performed between kiwi and banana has revealed that consumption of kiwi along with iron-rich breakfast cereal results in significant progress in the status of iron in the body as compared to banana.        
Macular degeneration:  Kiwi is the fruit for the eye and it contributes beneficially towards the eye health. As already stated, kiwi is a source of phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin which are critical components residing in the human eye. These healthful components along with vitamin A protect the eyes from cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and other vision-destroying disorders.

Digestive health: Kiwi may prove valuable for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It is a delicious source of fiber which promotes digestion and intestinal health. Kiwi helps in providing relief from constipation by stimulating the bowel system. The natural laxative properties of kiwi fruit owing to its fiber content add bulk to the stool and make them soft.  A study conducted on Kiwi has revealed that kiwifruit stores a good amount of proteolytic enzyme actinid in which improves the digestion of proteins and facilitates smooth traffic through the digestive system. Polysaccharides present in kiwi helps in averting the adhesion of enteropathogens and stimulate the probiotic bacteria in the colon. Kiwi extracts promotes the growth of lactic acid and inhibits the development of Escherichia Coli bacteria and aids in sustaining digestive health.

Pregnancy: Kiwi is a perfect fruit for a pregnant woman attributing to the abundance of natural folate.  Folate helps to prevent the occurrence of neural tube defects in the unborn babies and is essential for their brain and cognitive growth. Other vital nutrients such as vitamin C, E and K along with flavonoids present in kiwi also contribute beneficially in the overall health and development of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Skin care: Kiwifruit helps to maintain healthy and smooth skin attributing to its significant contribution in the process of collagen synthesis. Kiwi contains generous amount of vitamin C, may be more than oranges which helps to keep the skin firm and expedite healing of cuts and abrasions. Vitamin E present in kiwi assists in reducing the fine lines and appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin E also helps in reducing the harmful effects of ultra-violet radiation on the skin. Antioxidants present in kiwi work as a perfect anti-aging agent, prevent the skin from early degeneration and keep it rejuvenated.  

Cancer: Kiwi fruit have been traditionally trusted in the Chinese folk medicine for their effectiveness in healing various types of cancers such as liver cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer and lung cancer. Extracts of the kiwi fruit inhibits the proliferation of cancerous cells and protects endogenous DNA damage. Kiwifruit works against cancer by being cytotoxic to malignant cancer cells without affecting the normal, healthy cells. The plethora of antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamins along with fiber contribute beneficially in the effectiveness of kiwi in the prevention or healing of cancers. Catechin, a phytochemical present in kiwi helps in reducing the toxicity of anti-cancer agents by stimulating the bone marrow proliferation.

Strong immune defense: Kiwi contributes favorably in the regulation of the innate and adaptive immune system which is very critical for the healthy functioning of the body. Consumption of kiwifruit helps in fighting seasonal infections and other ailments attributing its anti-microbial and anti-fungal action. Extracts from kiwi have shown to exert bacteriostatic action against various pathogens including Staphylococcus aureus and Staphyloccous pyogenes. Kiwi fruit helps in reducing the symptoms of cold and flu and other upper respiratory tract infections. It also exerts anti-inflammatory effects and exhibits the activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Diabetes: Kiwi has low glycemic index which makes it suitable for the individuals with diabetes. A study conducted on kiwi extracts demonstrated that consumption of kiwi helps in the regulation of adipogenesis which is critical for the prevention of diabetes. Dysfunction of adipose tissues in the body is strongly implicated in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes.

Culinary usage: Owing to its characteristic looks and refreshing taste, kiwifruit can bring an amazing tropical style to your fruit salad dish. Nutrient-dense kiwi can be used as a functional ingredient to prepare bakery products with enhanced health factor. Kiwi contains a tenderizing enzyme papain which is useful in breaking down the fibrous tissues of tough meats. However, for this reason kiwi does not gel well with the gelatin-based products. Papain enzyme is known to have curdling effect on the milk. In case, you intend to use kiwi in the dairy or gelatin based products, cook the kiwifruit for a while to neutralize the enzyme.